Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2017

Rituale für die Rauhnächte – sei Wunderbar und lege den Schalter um auf das Neue

Hallo und wundervoll bist du da! Das freut mich ungemein, denn ich habe dir wirklich etwas ganz gutes und wichtiges zu erzählen! Es geht gegen Ende des Jahres zu und ich denkedu kennst das bestimmt, dass man sagt: Ja dieses Jahr war streng, es hatte gewisse Herausforderungen. Das und das war schön. Das hat mich wiederum sehr viel Kraft gekostet. Wer kennt das nicht, dass wir in dieser Zeit ein bisschen das Jahr Revue passieren lassen? Manchmal ist es ja auch so, dass wir diese Dinge die ganz, wie soll ich sagen herausfordernd waren oder die dich ganz viel Kraft gekostet haben, dass wenn es vorbei ist, sagen wir: Achja, es ist vorbei und es geht schon wieder und ich habs ja überlebt und so weiter und so fort. Der Fokus auf das Neue Ausrichtung für das neue in den Rauhnächten Und ich denke, das kennen wir alle solche Situationen dass wir das ein bisschen unter den Teppich kehren. Und wir legen den Fokus dann wieder auf das Neue. Grundsätzlich ist das natürlich absolut ideal. Denn

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Hallo und Willkommen auf Wasserpfeifen-Blog

Wie ihr, als erfahrene, fachkundigste Raucher der orientalischen Wasserpfeife (Shisha, Anm. d.R) sicherlich festgestellt habt, ist selbiges Rauchgerät in letzer Zeit einem ziemliche, nunja, lasst es mich "HYPE" nennen, unterworfen.

Dieses führt zwangsläufig dazu, das auch Individuen, die selber eigentlich nicht den blassesten Schimmer der Materie haben, meinen sie müssen diesem Hype folgend und mit ihrem angeblichem "Fachwissen" posen.
Und genau das ist die Motivation, solch eine Plattform wie diese zu starten. Ihr werdet hier,ich hoffe es doch zumindest stark, in der nächsten Zeit einige mehr oder weniger scherzhafte Tatsachen über die Shisha zu hören bekommen, wie zum Beispiel das ganz gewitze Raucher es schaffen, an einem Wocheende ca 70 Köpfe zu rauchen (bei 5g Tabak/Kopf entspricht das der hirnverbrannten Menge von 350 g).

DAS muss man als erfahrener Raucher können ;)

Nunja, ich hoffe ihr versteht, was ich mit diesem mehr oder weniger verständlichen Willkommenspost sagen will und wünsche euch hiermit viel Spaß

Freitag, 11. Januar 2013

Buying a Hookah

Since the culture of hookah shisha is one of relaxation, it's best to approach the process of hookah buying with patience. Research the subject, become familiar with the best materials and products, consider the aesthetics--what pleases most and will most enhance the smoking experience for you? Quality, beauty, and price are the broad parameters to consider when you set out to buy hookahs.

While it's a good idea to have checked out any local retail outlets where hookahs are available, and to have tried various hookah pipes at a lounge, your best bet in meeting the above criteria is probably going to be buying online. There's simply a much broader range of hookahs available online, without the markup a brick-and-mortar store is forced to charge.

For the hookah body, also called the vase, or govde, Pyrex glass or ceramic, or some other non-porous, tempered material, are the best. Avoid wood or copper. Bases come in sizes from small to large and a multihued array of colors and designs. Stems will generally be stainless steel or another solid metal, fluted and, again, in a range of heights. Hoses also come in a variety of styles and lengths. The tobacco bowl should be ceramic, clay, or metal. You can get a hookah with one hose fitting or multiple hose fittings. There are a number of sites where you can build your own hookah from a selection of parts, and others where you can order custom hookahs. There is a wide selection of high quality hookahs available ready-made, however.

Egyptian hookahs generally have hand-blown glass bases in jewel and opal-toned colors, while Syrian hookahs have exquisitely ornamented ceramic or glass bases. Beyond these traditional styles there are a plethora of modern interpretations, animal shaped hookahs, mod hookahs, mini hookahs, traveling hookahs complete with carrying case, and rotating hookahs. Prices range from about $35 for a mini, quality, single-hose hookah, with a mid-range for medium hookahs at $60 to $100, and from about $115 to $135 or more for a large hookah. For a custom hookah, you can spend from around $225 for crystal to as much as $1,000 for a hookah made of silver.

Most hookah purchases will come with individual bowl, stem, plate, base, and hose or hoses, in separable parts for ease of cleaning, and will include tongs for coals, screens, brushes for cleaning, and instructions. Some will also come with a carrying case and extra rubber stoppers, some hookah tobacco and charcoal.

Hookahs Info provides detailed information on hookah smoking, tobacco, pipes, and lounges, and advice on where to buy retail and wholesale hookahs. Hookahs Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

Smoking and Dental Problems


Most of us know how bad Smoking is for our health, but did you know that smoking is a major contributor to many of our dental problems? Cigarettes are not the only form of tobacco to blame. Smoking Cigars, smokeless tobacco and hookah water pipes, also pose dental health concerns.

Some of the Dental Problems associated with the use of tobacco are:

  • Increases the risk of Oral Cancer, some signs of Oral Cancer include white or red patches inside the mouth or the lips, a sore or blister in the mouth or on the lip that won't heal. Symptoms may include difficulty chewing, moving the jaw, speaking, or moving the tongue. Frequent or persistent earaches (an earache is usually indicative of an infection). Report any oral bleeding to your dentist and doctor. Bleeding from the mouth can be caused by many things, but it is still a symptom of oral cancer and needs to be checked out. This is a disease that progresses rapidly and if not diagnosed on time can be deadly.
  • An increase in gum disease, common symptoms are Red, swollen or tender gums, Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard food, Loose or separating teeth, Pus between your gums and teeth, sores in your mouth, persistent bad breath, a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite is also a sign of this disease. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.
  • Smoking can also damage gum tissue, it causes receding gums which is not reversible and when gums recede they expose the roots of the tooth which eventually leads to tooth decay. Receding gums can also cause tooth sensitivity.
  • Can cause bad breath, also known as "Halitosis".
  • Also causes stain that cannot be removed with regular brushing.
  • Can cause build up and tartar which requires a dental cleaning in order to be removed.

Some myths about the use of tobacco are that if not inhaled it reduces the risks of dental and overall health. The truth is that the use of any type of tobacco whether it be chewing or smoked is still hazardous, because it contains several toxins that are associated with cancer.

Were you aware that smokeless tobacco such as chew and dip contain more nicotine than cigarettes and cigars? According to the American Dental Association, "at least 28 cancer-causing chemicals have been identified in smokeless tobacco products.

Hookah and water pipe smoking has become incredibly popular these days. Unfortunately, the water in the pipes does not filter out all of the harmful toxins. So, you are still at risk of oral cancer and all the other risk associated with the use of tobacco.

Quitting smoking and all other forms of tobacco use can provide long term health benefits. If you would like to quit but your not sure how to, one option would be to talk to your Physician or Dentist about how he or she can help.

At Dr. Luckey's office we know that your smile consists of more than just beautiful teeth and healthy gums. We commit to provide our care for you in a pain free manner with lots of TLC, so you will have a reason to smile. You make a difference to us! Visit us at or call us at 951-676-4556.

Wholesale Hookahs

ägyptische wasserpfeife

Given the growing popularity of hookah smoking and hookah lounges, wholesale hookahs represent a tremendous value -- if you can get your hands on one (or more). . For someone who is considering starting a retail hookah shop or smoking lounge, or who wants to add variety to an existing restaurant, tobacco shop, or bar, researching the options is among the first necessary steps.

Buying wholesale hookahs doesn't mean buying cheaply made or unattractive product. Hand-blown glass in shimmering colors, elegantly traced in 21 karat gold, crystal, highly glazed ceramics, cloisonné-decorated brass, stainless steel worked into graceful curves, and carved wooden pieces all go into the making of a hookah. Since part of the joy of hookah smoking is the beauty and aesthetic pleasure of the hookah itself, wholesale hookahs come in a variety of lovely designs only surpassed by expensive custom models. In addition, styles range from traditional Egyptian and Syrian to modern and neo-exotic interpretations of the classic hookah, rotating hookahs, and more.

Things to look for in wholesale hookahs are quality of craftsmanship and durability of materials used. Stainless steel, Pyrex glass, and stone or ceramic are the best materials, the ones which can take repeated use while continuing to provide a pleasurable, smoking experience. Some metals, like copper, should be avoided (smoking from copper is actually poisonous). Wholesale hookahs are available in wood and brass and other materials, but these materials will not stand up terribly well to the test of time and use.

The base, or vase, of the hookah, is generally where the most artistic effort is expended, as it sets the tone for the whole piece. Hoses should be durable and include replaceable, disposable mouthpieces for individual smokers; hoses come in a variety of styles, from the basic to those covered in soft velvety fabric in lush colors, with carved and dyed wooden ends. The stem between the body and the tobacco bowl can vary widely in height, and is most often a gracefully wrought stainless steel in today's hookahs. The tobacco bowl will be stone, glazed or unglazed clay, metal, or beautifully colored and shaped Pyrex, and can range in design from simple to ornamental.

Wholesalers will generally require a minimum purchase of $250 to $400, though some will have a higher first-time minimum. Wholesale hookah prices range from $30 to $60 per pipe. A number of accessories must be considered when looking at wholesale hookahs, among them the metal tongs, or pincers, for the hookah charcoal, screens for holding the coal, the hookah charcoal itself, disposable mouthpieces, cleaning brushes, rubber stoppers, and replacement bases, hoses, grommets, and other parts.

Hookahs Info provides detailed information on hookah smoking, tobacco, pipes, and lounges, and advice on where to buy retail and wholesale hookahs. Hookahs Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

Introduction to Hookah Diving

Where did the name Hookah come from? It's a strange name for diving equipment, possibly derived from it's similarities to the old Middle-Eastern smoking device. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Hookah as, "An Eastern smoking pipe designed with a long tube passing through an urn of water that cools the smoke as it is drawn through. Also called hubble-bubble, narghile." Hookahs are water pipes resembling bongs. It has a base, or smoke chamber partially filled with water, a bowl containing the tobacco, a pipe connected to the bowl and a hose, which connects to a second tube in the pipe which draws the air out of the smoke chamber. Hookah diving has been around since the mid 1600's, when Von Guericke developed the first effective surface air pump.

The hookah system delivers air to divers below via hoses from a surface-supplied air compressor, rather than from scuba tanks. Another term for this technique is SSSA, which stands for Sport Surface-Supplied Compressed Air. It's not considered "scuba" because the air source is separate from the diver, instead of self-contained. The system uses a small gasoline (some electric) powered air compressor that sits on a dock, boat or floating inner tube and supplies air via hoses with regulators at the end, to the diver. Old systems were very large and bulky. Now, modern hookah systems are small, relatively lightweight and float above the divers for the ultimate experience in recreational diving. Reputable dive shops carry and service the units and many offer classes for novice divers. When purchasing your unit, make sure the shop's staff is knowledgeable and that they carry the extra parts and supplies you may need to get the most out of your system.

Author is based in Florida and writes on providing resources, tips and information for visiting anglers and divers.

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

What Exactly is a Hookah?

The hookah has a long and storied history. Also known variously as a hubble-bubble, narghile, shisha, or water pipe, among other names, hookahs have been used for a mellow tobacco smoking experience in Asia and the Middle East for centuries. Coming to the Middle East from India, the hookah started out as a humble coconut shell. In Turkey, it evolved into the true hookah, becoming a mainstay of coffee house life during the 17th century. Hookah smoking is still very common in cafes and restaurants throughout the Middle East.

Many rituals, of preparation, lighting, and smoking etiquette, surround the use of the hookah. People gathered in the coffee houses to smoke together, exchanging news and stories--or simply sharing quiet, meditative time. Recalling a more relaxed and unhurried past, hookahs conjure tales of journeys along the Nile, long nights in exotically scented gardens, the spice of the bazaar, and the sinuous music of the belly dance.

Hookahs were smoked by women gathered for tea, by students engaging in intellectual discussion, men playing games of chance, and simple gatherings of friends for enjoyment and relaxation. Offering a guest a puff at the house hookah, or narghile, was a sign of welcome and hospitality. Rather than a habit of nervousness, as many might classify the cigarette, the hookah is an entry to tranquility and reflection. It is a connection to the past and an oasis of civilized fellowship in the frenetic present.

With such a long history, it's not surprising that the craftsmanship in a hookah approaches the level of art; most hookahs are exquisitely detailed and beautiful. At one time, each part of the hookah was produced by a craftsman specifically trained to produce just that piece. Materials used included silver, crystal, and amber. When you add in the centuries of tradition and ritual in which the hookah is steeped, it's easy to see that this ancient water pipe represents the nexus of a singular and luxuriant experience in smoke and social interaction--and why it's becoming so popular in the West.

Hookahs Info provides detailed information on hookah smoking, tobacco, pipes, and lounges, and advice on where to buy retail and wholesale hookahs. Hookahs Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink